If you need to remove last element from breadcrumbs, you must:
1. In the folder with your theme, create a folders “woocommerce/global”
2. Then copy ffrom Woocommerce plugin (or just create) file “breadcrumbs.php”
3. Replace (paste) the next code in breadcrumbs.php:
<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } if ( ! empty( $breadcrumb ) ) { echo $wrap_before; foreach ( $breadcrumb as $key => $crumb ) { echo $before; if ( ! empty( $crumb[1] ) && sizeof( $breadcrumb ) !== $key + 1 ) { echo '<a href="' . esc_url( $crumb[1] ) . '">' . esc_html( $crumb[0] ) . '</a>'; } else { if(!is_singular()){ echo esc_html( $crumb[0] ); } } echo $after; if(sizeof( $breadcrumb ) -2 == $key && (is_singular())){ continue; } if ( sizeof( $breadcrumb ) !== $key + 1 ) { echo $delimiter; } } echo $wrap_after; }
Last thing, you need to remove the last item in breadcrumbs from the micro data markup. This code placed in functions.php will help:
add_filter('woocommerce_structured_data_breadcrumblist', 'delete_last_item_from_structured_data', 10, 1); function delete_last_item_from_structured_data($markup){ if(is_singular()){ array_pop($markup['itemListElement']); } return $markup; }